
long sleeve larry 'lectronics

ripping session the other day in western phoenix... holidays means people usually come home to visit... wez came back from seattle, cody boat came to az from his current home in oregon... kinda like the band bein back together. i spent the last few years skating a ton with boat, wez and our other mia buddy mikey williams. i couldnt tell you how many people we had going, looked at, bailed and never skated.... life was good back then... lifes still good right now. its good to get out, jump over some fences and down in some holes. whats in the water never mattered. live frogs, dead cats, flocks of mosquitos, 5 flies 6 flies... god damn flies. cancer dust, cool deck, bull nose, pebble deck, lady finger, desert gem, paddock pools, master pools, on and on and on.

its funny, the mission that entails skating a backyard pool. peeking over fences in broad day light, neighbors have a dog? is it barking? is the house lived in? screw it, lets check it out closer and over the fence you go... any neighbors see us go over? is that helicopter for us? did you bring the buckets and towels? i forgot my board... everything that it takes to break into a house with out even touch the home... "tempe PD, what are you guys doing here?" "we're cleanin the pool for the owner." "so,,,you guys are supposed to be here?" "yea...west nile clean up." "what company do you work for?....wait, whose skateboards are those????"

we've been surrounded by swat teams, face down and cuffed with knees in our backs. in the back of cop cars, everything you can think of, but it never curtails the desire... the next pools gonna be better than the last, the search continues, the dream never dies. i cant even skate and anytime im in arizona, i still jump in the car and head out. i still bucket the pools and find some palm fran to use as a giant fan... the plasters perfect, the trannys not to tight, the copings killer, perfect death/light, no nozzles, rideable stairs, no in-wall ladder, the house has been gutted. this is us, this is all of us.

long sleeve larry put his crew neck on...."the right way"

life after death

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