An outline/outlet of whats to come may look like this.
Consider the following possible journaling topics:
- Answer the questions at the end of each chapter in your textbook
- How are you doing with the 10 Challenges?
- What quote is inspiring you today?
- Which Entrepreneurial Mindset Self-Assessment Competency are you working on? How's that going?
- What is at least one thing you did today to move your business forward?
- Which books that are quoted in the weekly presentations do you want to read?
- What colors evoke the feelings you want your clients to experience after seeing you?
- What words do clients and friends use to describe you and your services?
- What words describe how you want your clients to feel after receiving your services?
- What words describe how your clients feel before coming to you for service?
Since I enjoyed chapter 2, ill take to answering the questions at the end.
1. What is your purpose? Why did you choose to dedicate your life to your profession?
- Purpose, for me, comes in swells. Before it was that, now it is this, soon it will be. While philosophical in nature, I'm not sure my answer would be directly accepted. Whats your purpose? is much like how I've understood the term "forever". "things" come and go as they please, as they may, as they will and there may never be what most consider "forever". My second grade lunch pail lasted "forever" yet it's surely in tiny pieces being that I remember it being of plastic, maybe those pieces are choking unfortunate and hungry birds perusing the auburn Indiana dump where I assume it went. Regardless, the lunch pail in question lived out its intensity in forma dn function as its proverbial life, intended. Much the same for "purpose" and why I can't speculate one way or another what it is I was put here to do. Sure, "everything happens for a reason" and I can much appreciate that sentiment, but whose to say another life altering action won't happen tonight, tomorrow, next week and change the course of what todays "purpose" is all about. After all, June 18th of 2007, in my mind, I was going to go back to skateboarding and seeing what all that provided. A day and diagnosis later, I'm wishing I just am able to live a semi normal and independent life, having conversations with loved ones about suicide if the ability to remain independent is lost later in life. Still an option I do not mind discussing with any rational person who understands priorities, understands my life is mine, who understands acceptance.
- With all of that said, that young about in the middle of progress", I feel my current purpose, today, is to assist others with auto immunity and leaving their poisonous synthetic meds that don't heal in their plastic bottles that will only further pollute the fragile planet in more ways than one. My purpose is to educate with efficiency, the simplicity of diet and lifestyle to (excuse the warring terminology) combat the increasing numbers of disease amongst our population, our ultimate tribe, our next generation.
- Why I chose to dedicate my life, currently, to this profession is simply because I found a way. A way that works for me. A way that I can share with less than a basket of words. And to that, I can present the info one one hand and show that it is obtainable on another. I am proof in more ways than one that humans are resilient beyond belief, Iam proof that eating in a healthful manner can slow and/or disease progress. I am proof that exercise, also, can slow and prevent a myriad of diseases. The devotion to this comes from within a place that I hope the ones I am able to help, the ones that reach out do not have to lose sight of their dreams they've worked so adamantly for. Ultimately, right now, my purpose is simply to help, in my tiny way, slow the decline of the western civilization.
2. What is the ultimate vision for the practice you want to create.
- Revitalization. It's that easy. Showing others that life not over post-diagnosis. The sharing of ideas, results, plans, what hasn't worked and more. The vision for the practice I want to create is steeped in openness, honesty, and curiosity.
3. What is your mission? What transformation are you called to help people accomplish?
- My mission is health and wellness and to lead by example. It is to never stop learning and equally, never stop moving. One day I may tire, slow down and learn a new approach to life, but currently, in helping folks accomplish their transformation, my mission is to allow them to witness the struggles I deal with daily, connect with them from faced-experience, and promote the furthering of whats been deemed "healthspan", the idea of remaining healthy, active and "young" well into elderhood.
4. What is your message? If you could only share one pearl of wisdom or inspiration with the people you want to help, what would it be?
- "Life won't wait." backed by a quick synopsis of what the current of passing time actually is. How fruit oxidizes, humans are the same. How we have found ways, through refrigeration the use of minerals, and more, we can rebuild and extend vitality. How a misunderstanding of one diagnosis is only confusion until one is able to get a grasp upon the idea that there is an issue. Only then, as the title of this post states, can we begin again... and with a new set of priorities.
5. What is unique about you as a practitioner in your specialty and niche? What makes you the perfect helping professional for your target audience?
- For one of my goals with this education, for one of my ideas, the uniqueness I embody is that of real-world experience and having lived with an auto-immune disease for nearly a decade and a half. I can speak to many symptoms others with similar diseases share. I can speak to the confusion that comes with the diagnosis of a disease we may have never heard of or had close experience with. Part of my uniqueness as a practitioner is that I'm open and accepting, I understand we all come from different places in the journey of life. I understand that perception is subjective and we will all handle the exact same thing differently to some degree. It's only when one is ready that they can begin to help themselves in improving their own lives.
- For my target audience, all of the above. In addition to that, I have done 13 years of treating myself like a science experiment to see what works for me and in turn, what hopefully will work for others. Having no way to do that in any schooling program, I've now supported that with an education I only plan to further over time.
6. What is my passion speech? Carefully script one, but use it as a guide. don't memorize it.
- How many friends and family members do you have that have been diagnosed with one disease or another, yourself included? My purpose here and now is to help alleviate the suffering for those of us stuck left picking up the pieces and figuring out this alien-new way of life. Let me be med-free living-proof that simply eating the appropriate whole and natural foods plus a little lifestyle adaptation can surmount to higher quality of life.
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