
viral inhospitality

three words to regain the rant.

FUCK jim jones.

now this, 

How a yesterday was burnt to the ground. Resourced and extracted minerals to build the same devices that took me out. The mental, the physical, the screen time was absurd. Even wrote that I didn’t write, fell asleep immediately after. Twenty to ten july three-ohh. Perfect vision. 

Went weight lifting this morning and hammered out a final project for HN375. Shoulders feel good and great to visit Annette. Traded coffee for breakfast. I feel she won, but great to share both time and a meal. Brekky at 8am 550 NE Fargo #4. Hadnt seen her in years and she opened up with “im moving back to Minnie.” Not a matter of not making it here, more so a matter quality of life. A topic Im familiar with to say the least. To boast felt shameful but we all owe it to ourselves to celebrate the lives we are happy with. Annette, if you read this, im sorry and wish you the best and you know this. Onward // upward. 

I feel I want to write more, I feel ive got more but im oddly sleepy and slogging through six different ten-minute video uploads to youtube for HN375/Dr. Leone’s class, a fun one soon to be over. Shes extended her reach to our class to help see us through, too kind. 

Cant lie, im stumbling through these keystrokes to find a wave to catch but im not able. So, while im waiting for videos to upload,,,, ill figure it out.

1.    Need to restructure and clean up my resume. US Oly skate team manager. Sunday mandatory. Line up with USFS as well. Need new REI disco card.
2.    I need gasoline, light came on post-annetes. First tank since arriving in pdx. Just means ive ridden my bike heaps.
3.    Bonnie falls, north west of Scapoose ore, or anywhere on that stream really, might be my local cold plunge. I may find a spot to hit while riding too, theres a trail to get the bicycle out on from there to Veronia. 
4.    Would like to reinstitute a more regimented fasting...regiment. Since the move up here, since covid started really. The subconscious stressors of/from that have ridiculously somehow called for me to eat more and with the month of june being recovery from a wreck, I have sort of lost some fitness, endurance, strength. Time to tighten up.
5.    Need to build the desk for the room. Money is there but the motivation isn’t? screws, Masonite, ply, 2x’s. its that easy. Schematics are done, material list is added up. and I need to listen to more of the Violent Femmes. But theres pink Floyd and Bjork. Another option is to throw away the things that necessitate a desk but my backs hurting from this bed-perched slouch. I’ll need a chair too.
6.    Finish uploading the last two videos. Seems to be taking about 10-13 minutes per 10-minute video when not using any other bandwidth on my computer which is why im writing this in word and ill copy paste, which always feels like I’m being driven to the top of a hil and let loose to bomb down, totally undeserving of the free gravitational ride. Cant explain the connection to writing in blogspot but regardless. 

Sorry, poor grammar here. One day, maybe tomorrow or maybe never, it will be of importance. 

I need to write:
1.    Agualuna
2.    Tim
3.    Russ
4.    Taylor
and some others I'm sure of it. 

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